About KV
The School which was started for the children of Transferable Central Government employees soon became an Epitome of Quality Education today.
Ours is not Education for selective class of students only, we educate all categories of children in the school and try to develop the taste towards study along with proper etiquettes.
We as responsible class of people – make children aware of the positive and negative effects of the present environment. With the efforts of dedicated, sincere and experienced team of teachers in the School, We are preparing students to choose the right direction, to develop their personality and carrier for the future.
Important Mile Stone of Growth
Expansion of sections
Shifted to new building
KV-1999 opening date
Shifting date to new building 08 February 2011
sequential year wise expansion
Class IX started in 2015
10th class started in 2016
12th class started in 2021
Type of building construction of KVS
Highest class and number of sections accepted for each class
highest class 12th
Number of sections from Class I to VIII-4
Number of Sections Class IX to X-3
Number of Sections Class XI to XII-2
Affiliation CBSE till 2027