
    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    In KVS, various events and activities are arranged through sports, Science and Social Exhibitions, RBVP, EBSSB Kala Utsav, and other avenues to support a child’s overall development. Numerous students participated in these events, bringing honour to KVS and KV SPG. Undoubtedly, the academic deficit is closed with this involvement. Regarding this, KVS has made several contributions. One such program is CALP (COMPENSATE OFACADEMICLOSSPROGRAMME), which tries to make up for the academic losses incurred by students who participated in a variety of school-related activities.

    Special courses are arranged for these students at KV SPG during assembly time, which is used as a zero period. During non-teaching periods, questions are also answered. After-school classes also arranged for students.